A. Sampaio’s Management, in line with its identity, has identified a set of principles, values and rules that all Employees and Suppliers must comply with in the relationships they maintain with each other and with third parties during their professional activity.
To always act in compliance with national and international legislation applicable to our activity, and to scrupulously respect those particularly related to wages and other compensations, timetables and work organization, security and health at work. To never establish business relationships with companies and individuals sanctioned by the UN, USA, EU or other international and national authorities. The same applies to companies and individuals operating in regions or countries flagged as having a high risk of non-compliance with human rights.
We are committed to ensuring employees a personal and professional evolution based on merit, qualifications, and held on equal opportunities, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, creed, marital status, disability, chronic illness, political orientation or opinion, ethnic or social origin, age, family responsibilities. We guarantee continuous training to our employees.
To never use any form of child labour or forced labour, as well as any form of work that does not respect human dignity.
To prohibit any behaviour that has the purpose or effect of disturbing or embarrassing the person, affecting their dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, deteriorating, humiliating or destabilizing environment.
To ensure to all employees a secure and healthy working environment and conditions.
To ensure to all employees the exercise of the right of free association, namely those of a professional, recreational and sociocultural nature.
To ensure to all employees the right of reserve and confidentiality regarding their private life, as well of information of a personal and non-professional nature, namely regarding their personal and clinical data.
To adopt a conscious environmental sustainability policy, in a socially responsible attitude towards the community and the environment.
To select suppliers based on impartial criteria and without any type of discrimination, but privileging those who most share ethical, social and environmental principles similar to those of A. SAMPAIO, maintaining healthy relationships with them based on professionalism, respect and fulfilment of commitments.
To adopt practices that prevent corruption and ensure impartial, independent and fair decisions, ensuring the superior interest of A. SAMPAIO, as well as not negotiating or collaborating with anyone who carries out illegal practices. To not pursue actions to obtain personal benefits, advantages or favours by the position held or the functions performed. More detailed information available in the Code of Conduct – Corruption and Related Offenses.
All information and facts related to A. SAMPAIO business must be treated confidentially and kept confidential unless it is of public knowledge. This information includes, but is not limited to, clients names and suppliers, as well as all information related to industrial and/or commercial products and/or processes. All information contained in documents, materials, archives and information systems cannot be copied, reproduced or disseminated without the express authorization of A. SAMPAIO.
Environmental Policy
A. Sampaio highlights the importance of controlling the environmental impact of its activities as an integral part of its global responsibilities.
The company is committed to reconcile economic and social development with its environmental performance, and to strengthening its operations in accordance with the following principles:
- To comply with applicable laws and regulations, as well with internally defined environmental commitments.
- To raise awareness and instruct employees towards environmental consciousness, so that they adopt responsible environmental behaviours and practices.
- To promote the rational use of natural resources and energy, controlling their consumption.
- To control produced effluents, and to convey them to external treatment.
- To use cleaner energy sources to reduce greenhouse gases production.
- To minimize waste, and to promote its recycling, reuse or properly controlled incineration.
- To responsibly manage the use of chemical products.
- To minimize air emissions through effective equipment management.
Aiming to contribute to environmental awareness, we disclose the principles that govern our conduct to employees, suppliers, customers and visitors.
Work Security and Health Policy
A. Sampaio acknowledges the security and health of its employees as a priority.
In this way, we commit ourselves:
- To comply with applicable laws and regulations, as well with internally defined commitments.
- To promote a healthy work environment, suitable to the company’s activities.
- To encourage proactive participation of employees and suppliers in security and health work scope.
- To prevent the occurrence of work incidents and accidents, as well as work-related diseases in accordance with the general principles of prevention.
- To inform and instruct employees and suppliers on the measures to be taken when carrying out their activities, in order to avoid situations that might compromise the security and health of themselves and/or third parties.
- To promote continuous improvement.
Aiming to contribute to security and health awareness, we disclose the principles that govern our conduct to employees, suppliers, customers and visitors.
Quality Policy
A. Sampaio grounds its competitiveness on quality, flexibility, innovation and creativity. We base all the strategies that we outline on these principles, which represent our culture and to which we have always remained faithful.
Therefore, we are committed to enabling an increasingly efficient and quality-oriented organization, supported by the requirements of the ISO 9001 Standard. Our main goals include:
- To satisfy our customers through an effort to serve them better, and to offer them innovation and quality, seeking to anticipate their requirements.
- To satisfy our employees by creating conditions for them to perform the duties with the support of the most modern techniques and technologies, in a healthy environment with conditions for their personal and professional development.
- To maintain cooperative, trusting and mutually respectful relationships with suppliers.
- To keep our Company at the forefront of the national and international textile sector.
Aiming to contribute to transparency regarding our quality standards, we disclose the principles that govern our conduct to employees, suppliers, customers and visitors.